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Looking for a new diet program, but do not know where to start looking? Read below to learn more about diet programs to improve health conditions and life expectancy.

People do not go on diets only because they want to lose weight. While a change of diet is one of the most effective strategies to lose weight, it can also serve as a springboard to improving your health and leading a more active lifestyle.

Everyone has a diet that is better suited and more effective for them depending on what they hope to achieve. Some diets seek to suppress hunger to minimize food consumption, while others tend to limit calorie intake. Often, people prefer to focus on certain eating habits and lifestyle modifications rather than restricting specific foods. Below are some diet programs that have a lot of health benefits, from losing weight to living a healthy life.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is an excellent example when it comes to nutrition, sickness prevention, general wellbeing, and longevity. This is due to its nutritional benefits and long-term viability. 

The diet is based on traditional meals eaten by people in countries such as Italy and Greece. It contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, salmon, nuts, lentils, and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet has been associated with a reduced risk of various chronic diseases as well as an increased life expectancy. According to research, the Mediterranean diet has proven effective in preventing certain cancers

Though the diet was designed to lower the risk of heart disease, several studies have shown that its plant-based, high unsaturated fat eating pattern can also aid in weight loss.

If you want to lose weight with a Mediterranean diet, make sure you live an active lifestyle, including exercise, for best results. Depending only on a diet regimen can slow down your weight loss journey. 

DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

The DASH diet is a healthy eating plan that is intended to help in the treatment or prevention of hypertension. The diet was developed after researchers discovered that those who ate a plant-based diet, such as vegans and vegetarians, had considerably lower blood pressure. Hence, the DASH diet promotes the consumption of more fruits and vegetables with lean proteins.

The DASH diet emphasizes potassium, calcium, and magnesium-rich foods. These nutrients aid in the regulation of blood pressure. The diet discourages eating foods high in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars.

According to the National Library of Medicine, combining the DASH diet with exercise can result in greater blood pressure reductions, improved vascular and autonomic function improvements, and reduced left ventricular mass. 

Volumetric Diet

The Volumetric Diet is a weight-loss eating regimen that involves filling up on low-calorie, nutrient-dense meals. It is intended to suppress hunger by favoring meals with a high-water content and a low calorie density. It also promotes other healthy behaviors, like frequent exercise and maintaining a food journal.

The Volumetric Diet will keep you full while consuming less calories. It is based on Dr. Barbara Rolls' book, which offers detailed instructions, recipes, and information on how to determine the calorie density of your favorite foods. The diet encourages you to consume nutrient-dense, low-calorie, high-water meals, including fruits, vegetables, and soups.

Paleo Diet

A paleo diet is a dietary program based on foods like those eaten during the Paleolithic age, which lasted between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago. The diet limits the intake of foods that became popular during the agricultural age (around 10,000 years ago), such as dairy products, legumes, and grains.

There is no one "right" way to eat for everyone, and Paleolithic individuals thrived on a variety of diets based on what was available and where they lived. Some followed a low-carbohydrate diet high in animal foods, while others followed a high-carbohydrate diet high in plant foods. This diet can be adjusted to your own needs and preferences. Here are the fundamentals:

What you can eat: meat, eggs, herbs, spices, fish, seeds, healthy fats, and oils.

What you cannot eat: processed foods, vegetable oil, legumes, artificial sweeteners, etc.

Zone Diet

The Zone Diet calls for three meals and two snacks that are 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. It focuses on how to eat the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats to give the body the energy it needs. The three meals and two snack combinations can consist of: 

  • proteins - chicken or fish

  • carbs - fruits and vegetables

  • healthy fat - olive oil and avocado

No food is absolutely forbidden, but if you love your carbs so much, the Zone diet can be difficult to adapt to. It encourages you to see bread, pasta, grains, and other carbs as condiments rather than main courses or even side dishes.

The Zone diet is designed to get and maintain your body at optimal performance while reducing inflammation and increasing the repair of inflammatory damage. The diet includes a wide range of nutritious foods. However, it excludes several foods that most experts believe to be beneficial compliments to a balanced diet, such as grain-based foods and legumes.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet consists of high fat and low carbohydrates. It encourages the low consumption of carbs but more fat. This low carb consumption causes your body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis. At that point, the body becomes very effective in burning fat for energy. It also helps to provide energy for the brain by turning fat into ketones in the liver.

A ketogenic diet program is effective in reducing blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. With increased ketones in the body, this program offers amazing health benefits. It is important to remember that the ketogenic diet is a short-term diet focused on weight loss rather than health benefits.

When you consume less than 50g of carbohydrates per day, the body quickly exhausts the quick-burning fuel (blood sugar) in around 3 to 4 days. At this point, the body begins breaking down protein and fat for energy, which leads to weight loss.